Daily Devotion – June 11, 2020

Food for the Journey Devotion
June 11, 2020
Pastor Dianne Loufman

When I served as assistant to the Bishop in NY, I had written in my calendar: “Do not justify, explain, or defend.” Sometimes I would visit with church councils or congregations that were angry with the Bishop’s office and I would have my calendar open before me so that I would remember to not justify, explain or defend. I listened.

When people of an ethnic background different than our own share their anger and frustration with the way things are, it is good to remember that same refrain: “Do not justify, defend or explain.” Listen.

As Biblical people, we might remember the Book of Job which some of us just read again. Job’s friends did not listen – they sought to justify, defend and explain and thereby were absolutely no help to Job but rather added to his burden and to the pain he was enduring.

When I have found myself the only white person in a room of black people, I have learned not to explain, defend or justify but to listen and to be honored that I have like Job’s friends been welcomed into sacred space and to pray that I am worthy of it.

God, you hear the anguish and cries of your people, help us to listen with your attentive ear and to work together for change that glorifies and honors you. Amen.