Food for the Journey – 4/8/2021

April 8th, 2021
Devotion by Pastoral Intern Logan McLean Strike

I didn’t realize that my old bus route in Minneapolis intersected with the site of George Floyd’s death until I stood on 38th and Chicago and saw it with my own eyes. While there, a man approached me, and gave me a rock from the memorial garden that has the word “hope” inscribed on it. He gave it to me so that I might remember to take peace with me wherever I would go. But what does it mean to have peace in a world that does not seem to know it?

In this Easter text, Jesus appears to his friends that locked their doors in fear. He speaks the words: “Peace be with you” and breathes the Holy Spirit on them. What sort of peace is Jesus giving them?  In Genesis, God breathes into dust and it becomes a living being. In this text, God breathes on them and peace becomes a living reality. A peace that brings beloved community to life and dispels fear. A peace that breathes hope on the world. By the power of the Holy Spirit, peace becomes ours to share.

That night, I took my troubled heart home along with my stone of hope and I placed them both at the foot of the cross that I use in my own personal prayer. I read this gospel text and noticed that Jesus spoke the words, “peace be with you” three times over. How many times is God’s word of peace ringing throughout all of creation today?

Merciful God, plant in our hearts a peace that the world cannot give. Breathe your Holy Spirit upon us and send us as ambassadors of Your peace. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.