There are many ways to give to the Foundation!
Click the “+” symbol for more information on each gift type below:
1. Memorials and Honorariums
Donors may wish to recognize a deceased loved one or honor someone for a significant occasion. These gifts are meaningful and lasting tributes supporting the mission of First Lutheran Church.
For information on giving electronically or by check. Please click GIVE NOW
2. Check, Credit or Debit Cards
Donors may wish to contribute to the Foundation’s general fund or to the Speaker Event series. These gifts help support the mission of First Lutheran Church and the Foundation.
For information on giving electronically or by check, please click GIVE NOW.
3. Benefit Plans: 401K Retirement, IRAs
The Foundation will accept payments of the proceeds of a 401(k), 403(b), or similar retirement plan or individual retirement account.
4. Donor-Advised Fund
Distributions from a donor-advised fund will be accepted.
5. Gifts Through Employers
Employees of some firms may elect to give to one of a variety of community causes through a corporate campaign. Others may give to causes and have such gifts matched by their employer.
6. Life Insurance
Proceeds from a life insurance policy that names the Foundation as a beneficiary (primary or contingent) are accepted. In addition, the Foundation may receive a gift of ownership of a life insurance policy.
The Foundation will determine whether it will continue to pay the premiums if the policy is not paid up or accept its cash surrender value.
7. Personal Foundation
You may direct gifts from your personal foundation to the First Lutheran Church of Duluth Foundation.
8. Personal Property
Gifts of tangible personal property, i.e., art, antiques, and collectibles, are accepted by the Foundation per its Gift Acceptance Policy and based on (but not limited to) the following information:
- Current title and ownership.
- Independent qualified third-party appraisal.
- Recommendation on marketability.
Such information is necessary for the Foundation to adhere to all Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) requirements relating to disposing of gifts of tangible personal property.
Note about Personal Property Appraisals:
In securing appraisals and legal fees for gifts to the Foundation, it will generally be the responsibility of the donor to secure an appraisal (where required) and independent legal counsel for all gifts made to the Foundation. The donor is responsible for obtaining a qualified appraisal per IRS rules governing this type of transaction.
9. Real Property
Gifts of real estate that are unencumbered, marketable, and free of environmental or other problems are accepted for the Foundation per the Gift Acceptance Policy based on (but not limited to) information about the following:
- Current title and ownership.
- At least a Phase I environmental audit.
- Current zoning.
- All restrictions.
- Any encumbrances, including an Affidavit of Lien, signed by the owner.
- An independent, qualified third-party appraisal.
- A recommendation on marketability.
Note about Real Property Appraisals:
In securing appraisals and legal fees for gifts to the Foundation, it will generally be the responsibility of the donor to secure an appraisal (where required) and independent legal counsel for all real property gifts made to the Foundation. The donor is responsible for obtaining a qualified appraisal per IRS rules governing this type of transaction.
10. Stocks, Bonds, and Securities
Publicly traded securities will be accepted by the Foundation. Gifts of closely held securities will be received at the discretion of the Foundation if they can readily be liquidated. Securities will generally be sold as soon as practical.
11. Will or Trust
You may include gifts such as cash or stock as a special gift to the Foundation in your written Will or Trust.
12. Sample Bequest Language for Wills and Trusts
Specific Amount:
I, (NAME), hereby give, devise, and bequeath to the First Lutheran Church of Duluth Foundation, 1100 E. Superior St., Duluth, MN 55802, the sum of $XX, XXX to be used at their discretion to assist in the ministries of the First Lutheran Church of Duluth.
Percentage Amount:
I, (NAME), hereby give, devise, and bequeath to First Lutheran Church of Duluth Foundation, 1100 E. Superior St., Duluth, MN 55802, XX% of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, to be used at their discretion to assist in the ministries of the First Lutheran Church of Duluth.
Contingency Bequest:
In the event the beneficiaries of bequests and devises herein predecease me, or, in the case of institutions, cease to be organizations described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, I, (NAME) hereby give, devise, and bequeath to First Lutheran Church of Duluth Foundation, 1100 E. Superior St., Duluth, MN 55802, the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, to be used at their discretion to assist in the ministries of the First Lutheran Church of Duluth.
Sample Language for Pay on Death or Beneficiary Accounts:
First Lutheran Church of Duluth Foundation
1100 E. Superior St.
Duluth, MN 55802
For additional information, please email foundation@flcduluth.org.
Information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For information on how any gift may affect your tax situation, please consult your professional advisor.