Food for the Journey – 3/25/2021

Food for the Journey
Pastor Dianne O. Loufman
March 25, 2021

We remember  the life and ministry of Bishop Oscar Romero who, in the face of death, had the faith and the courage to speak the Truth.
Romero was one of the Latin American priests who preached that the poor should seek justice in this world, not wait for the next. Known as the “voice of those without voice,” Romero was assassinated at the altar while celebrating communion on March 24, 1980.
As we approach Holy Week and the crucifixion of Jesus, who was the very embodiment of Truth, it is worth contemplating those like Romero who have had the courage to follow all the way.
God of truth, the voice of the voiceless, strengthen us to speak up whenever truth and justice are denied.  We give thanks for the witness of those like Bishop Romero whose courage inspires us to try.  Through Christ, we pray. Amen.