Story of Faith by Jane Worley

Food for the Journey
December 17, 2020
Story of Faith by Jane Worley

I was baptized at a Lutheran church my parents attended when I was one month old. I grew up going to Sunday School and participating in Luther League, as well as attending Camp Vermilion. I remember attending camp one summer about two weeks after my dad died from cancer. I was 15 years old. I was in a fog at the time, but I do recall that the community at Camp Vermilion was very supportive. I have such warm memories of my experiences as a Camp Vermilion camper. I drifted away from the church while I was in college but found my way back after getting my first professional job after graduation. I was a member of Luther Memorial Church in Madison; my husband and I were married there. We moved to Duluth and joined FLC in 2000. Our daughter Greta was born the day we were received as new members. Both Greta and our son Jack were confirmed at FLC.

I was fortunate to have parents with strong faith as role models. I hope that my own strong faith will positively influence my children throughout their lives, but I do know each person’s journey is their own. Certainly, along the journey, I have had my doubts, but I believe this is a natural part of the journey. Almost constantly, but especially when I take a little time to slow down the busy pace of my day, I feel the peace and hope that comes from knowing God’s presence and unconditional love. I am especially grateful for the gifts of grace and forgiveness, as they are the pillars of support in my journey of faith.

Lord, Help us to slow down in this busy season to remember what is most important. Let us be reminded that there are tiny explorers on their own faith journey watching how we relate to you as we shape our own path closer to you. May our journeys be a light shining onto you.
