Words to Ponder:
Remember to have a piece or loaf a bread available to take part in Food for the Journey during worship.
Join us during the service this Sunday for a special Blessing of Fishing Gear as you begin preparing for the Minnesota Fishing Opener on Saturday May 15th.
Last G.I.F.T. Sunday of the year
9:15 a.m. - THIS SUNDAY - Sunday, May 2
This is our closing GIFT Sunday for the year, celebrating our theme of being Deeply Rooted in a Boundless God. By being rooted in God’s love, we are free to reach out in love to all the world! All are welcome to join in at 9:15 a.m., come as you are!
What is a land acknowledgement? Why should our church have one?
Sunday, May 2 - 11:30 a.m.
Come and learn about the land we worship on and the statement First Lutheran has written to acknowledge the indigenous peoples of this land on Sunday, May 2 on zoom at 11:30am. The forum will include a 20 minute presentation by the evangelism team as well as time for community conversation and questions.
Video excerpts from Sunday's service
Sermon 5/2/2021
Time for Young Disciples 5/2/2021
Digital Coffee Hour Sundays at 11:15 a.m.
During this time of COVID-19, join us for a digital coffee hour on Sunday mornings at 11:15 a.m. Bring your coffee or tea to the conversation!