Worship Times & Locations

September – May

8:30 a.m.

8:30 a.m.

-Traditional liturgy
-Organ and piano
-Choirs & Bell ringers
-Guest musicians
-Hymns, familiar and new
-Nursery available, but
children welcome and
encouraged to worship
-Young disciples’ message

11:00 a.m.

11:00 a.m.

-Band service led by, as one worshipper said, “The best
guitarist in the
country,” Bryan Gatten
-Praise music
-Nursery available, but
children welcome and
encouraged to worship
-Young disciples’ message


10:00 a.m.  June
One service so everyone comes together Worship.

July – August

8:30 a.m.

8:30 a.m. July-August

Small, traditional service
Great way to start your week

10:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m. July-August

Worship in the park alongside Lake Superior bring a blanket or lawn chair
Come early to find some shade
Lake Superior Sunday- witness baptism in the Lake



Coffee, tea, treats and conversation are always available after each service in the gathering space. On the second Sunday of every month we celebrate everyone who has a birthday that month. Come and let us celebrate you!



We welcome children in worship – the joy they bring and their squirms and squeals. The “pray-ground” is for children who want their own space and nursing mothers to rock. Each worship service has a young disciples’ message.



A staffed nursery is available for both services, as is a family room off the sanctuary for those who desire. We encourage bringing your children back into worship for communion so they too come to the table for the meal or a blessing.

Name Tags

Name Tags

Our members are pretty good at wearing their name tags so that we can learn one another’s names. Name tags are available for guests as well near each Sanctuary entrance.

Welcome Gifts

Welcome Gifts

As a way of welcoming guests who join us for worship, we offer a loaf of home-made banana bread and an FLC cup.
Visit the Welcome Desk after worship for your gift!

Friendship Pads

Friendship Pads

We would like to welcome you! Friendship Pads are passed down the rows so that we can greet one another by name and we can follow-up with guests who would welcome that.